• Please register as a member in advance by filling out this form.
  • If you wish to run for the Board of Directors or the Board of Audits, please send us an email indicating your interest.
  • Please arrive in advance (we will be present from 18:30) to complete your membership registration by making the payment.
  • If you are unable to attend, you may authorize another member to represent you. More information can be found here.

Watch out! The General Assembly venue has changed to the Conservatory Mythodia.


Dear Members and Prospective Members,

We take pleasure in informing you that the First General Meeting of KYKLOS PAROS will take place on June 18, 2024, at 7:30 PM, at the Mythodia Conservatory in Parikia, by Kyklos’ Statutes.

The First General Meeting will cover the following agenda:

  1. Report from the Board of Directors on the Society’s activities from the previous year.
  2. Financial report for the previous year and the current status of the Society’s finances.
  3. Presentation of planned programs.
  4. Overview of principal organizational needs.
  5. Proposal from the Board of Directors for the budget for the new year.
  6. Approval of the budget for the following year.
  7. Discuss the quality and effectiveness of the programs from the previous year in achieving the association’s objectives and submit suggestions for the programs for the next year of operations.

Any additional items for discussion should be emailed to the Secretary at least two days before the General Meeting date. Extraordinary additions to the agenda may be submitted to the President by email and may be added at the President’s discretion.

In addition, the following matters will also be addressed:

  • Election of Auditors to serve for two years.
  • Election of Directors to serve for two years

Please keep the following information in mind:

Members can indicate their desire to speak on any Agenda items to the President before the Meeting begins, which will grant them priority during the discussion of that specific item.

This is the initial General Assembly of the Kyklos Paros association, in accordance with the organization’s Statutes. All founding members and those who have applied for membership through the website must have paid their €50 annual subscription fee before the start of the General Meeting.

We strongly encourage all members to make plans to attend the General Meeting and to actively participate. If you are unable to attend, you may authorize another member to represent you (refer to the note below). The presence of 50% plus 1 of the members is necessary to establish a quorum and proceed with the meeting. If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting will be postponed and carried out without a quorum as specified in the Statutes.

Friends who are interested in joining Kyklos Paros as members should complete the registration form at least one day prior to the General Meeting date.

Members need to be in good standing

We kindly request all members to pay their dues to the Society’s treasurer, Giorgos Kavallis, no later than the date and time of the General Meeting. Mr. Kavallis will be available at the meeting location at least thirty minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting to accept dues payments.
NB: Annual membership fees are €50, or more at your discretion, or €20 for students.

Join us at a nearby restaurant after the completion of the meeting

We expect that this will be an opportunity to continue informal discussion of the future activities of Kyklos. Please fill out the form bellow to let us know if you’ll join for dinner and if you plan to bring a friend or friends.

I will Join!

Proxy-Authorization Letter

For those who cannot attend but wish to authorize another member to participate on their behalf, please use the proxy-authorisation letter provided below. Simply copy and paste the text into the field provided on the form, fill in the required information, and submit it.

I, the undersigned, …Your Full Name…, a member of Kyklos Paros, hereby appoint …Full Name of Proxy…, also a member of Kyklos Paros, to vote on my behalf at the electoral General Assembly scheduled to take place on June 18th 2024, or any subsequent assembly in the event of a no-quorum situation.

I grant …Full Name of Proxy… full authority to participate in all discussions and to cast votes on my behalf on any matters that may arise during the assembly.

This authorisation is valid only for the electoral General Assembly on the specified date and shall expire thereafter.

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