Modern faces from the Ancient World

Greek painted portraits found in the Egyptian deserts.

Friday September 8th, 2023

At Dimitrakopoulos Municipal Arts Centre Parikia

Euphrosyne Doxiadis

Modern-looking painted portraits with awe-inspiring vivid faces and beautiful jewellery designs found on mummies. Painted in Late Antiquity by artists trained in the Greek tradition. Their creation aspired to give eternal life to those depicted.
This Friday, the prominent art historian, author and painter Euphrosyne Doxiadis, in her illustrated lecture, will take us through life on the Nile and will show us these portraits, which illustrate the Greeks’ contribution to the Egyptians’ age-old fight against death.

Euphrosyne Doxiadis’s unique book on these portraits is:
The Mysterious Fayum Portraits Faces from Ancient Egypt
Visit Euphrosyne Doxiadis’ website to learn more about her art and other works.

19:30 Drinks and photography of John Masters
20:00 Illustrated lecture.